Dr. Gary Zhu is a leading practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Dr. Zhu hails from a famous and pedigreed family which has been practicing the art of Chinese medicine for decades. Like most masters, Dr. Zhu began learning Chinese medicine at a very early age and studied at the famed Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. He also studied with the late Dr. Hong GX, a world-renowned Chinese medicine physician who passed on all of his teachings and research theory to Dr Zhu. Dr. Zhu was the Orthopedic Surgeon In-Charge of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing and was a member of the China Association of Acupuncture.
After moving to California, Dr. Zhu taught orthopedics and acupressure at SAMRA University of Oriental Medicine. Presently, Dr. Zhu directs Evergreen Health and Herbs which provides patients with comfortable treatment rooms as well as one of the largest collections of Chinese herbs in California. Dr. Zhu's practice is recommended for those patients who seek to complement their Western medicine care with the leading techniques from the Eastern medicinal repertoire. Dr. Zhu’s practice is also recommended for those seeking holistic and natural treatments to a variety of ailments.
Based in Irvine California for over 20 years, Dr. Zhu's particular expertise includes sports medicine, respiratory/pulmonary diseases, gynecology, and pediatric care. He is also works with cancer patients using techniques from Eastern medicine to reduce chemotherapy and radiation side effects.
To schedule an consultation with Dr Zhu, please call 949-786-9284.